Grant Writing

Canada is home to a wonderful array of grants to support musicians and music companies in the way of recording, touring and marketing. Nationally, we have FACTOR and Canada Council for the Arts who provide several grant opportunities. Being in BC, I am particularly familiar with grants via Music BC and Creative BC. Initially, I work alongside you to collect collateral and develop the marketing plan. From there, I take care of every step including the submission and providing information on the final reporting.

Please find my grant writing rates below:

Juried Sound Recording

$500 application fee + 10% of awarded amount

The JSR program contributes toward the cost of acquiring, producing and marketing a full length album. Components for this Program:
• Sound Recording
• Marketing
• Tour Support
• Video
• Showcase
• Radio Marketing

Artist Development

$250 application fee + 10% of awarded amount

The Artist Development Program offers a $5,000 subsidy toward a year of artist development activities such as recording, touring & showcasing, video production, and marketing.

Live Performance

$200 application fee + 10% of awarded amount

The Live Performance program subsidizes the cost of domestic and international performances including showcases and tours. Components for this Program:
• Tour Support
• Showcase

Artist Travel Grant

$250 application fee + 10% of awarded amount

Music BC Travel Grants provide assistance to BC based artists to participate in touring and showcasing initiatives domestically and internationally, and BC based companies and individuals undertaking business travel activities in support of the BC music community.

Showcase Opportunities

$200 application fee + 10% of awarded amount

Music BC plays an active role both domestically & internationally by expanding business opportunities for BC artists and music industry professionals through various trade missions and showcase events.

Career Development

$400 application fee + 10% of awarded amount

The Career Development program is designed to support the economic growth and career development of emerging and established artists in the areas of sound recording, marketing, and music videos.

Music Industry Initiatives

$350 application fee + 10% of awarded amount

The Music Industry Initiatives Program is designed to support initiatives that grow and develop British Columbia’s diverse music ecosystem. Successful projects will build the capacity of BC’s music industry through training, knowledge transfer, and the creation of new business opportunities.

Arts Across Canada

$300 application fee + 10% of awarded amount

The Circulation and Touring component of Arts Across Canada funds touring and exhibition activities of Canadian artists, artistic groups and arts organizations. Grants support the presentation and exhibition of performances and works by Canadian artists which build national exposure and reach Canadian audiences.

Arts Abroad

$300 application fee + 10% of awarded amount

The Circulation and Touring component of Arts Abroad funds activities linked to artistic exchange and networking for Canadian artists, artistic groups and arts organizations. Grants help build international exposure and increase the visibility of Canadian artists and their works abroad. International presenters, partners or host organizations must pay performance or exhibition fees to the presented artists, groups or organizations.